CoroDrillR 880 can machine 16.5 Mm aperture

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  • source:JUSTYN CNC Machining
Shanteweikekeleman rolled out CoroDrill 880 recently, this is cut to shallow Kong Zuan for it is a qualitative leap. Rank make into the technology it becomes the first but dislocation razor blade is gotten, it assured perfect cutting equilibrium, improved the manufacturing economy into aperture significantly consequently. Use this to get its feed rate to be able to raise 100 % , and common difference is less. Win the utility of the new-style CoroDrill 880 of huge success and applied range to widen this is planted, rolled out the line of the products with wider range- - the diameter is smaller the broach with interface of use coke full Capto. Now, the CoroDrill 880 of use cylinder straight handle can offer a diameter for 16.


The broach of 5mm, and use the CoroDrill 880 of interface of coke full Capto its broach diameter but low to 20.

00mm. In addition, return promising to satisfy the custom-built option of special need, the diameter of these custom-built broach is in 20.


Between 99 Mm. CNC Milling CNC Machining